Hon'ble President of India to Inaugurate International Conference on Just and Resilient Agri-Food Systems

New Delhi, October 6, 2023: The two institutions are joining forces to leverage national and international research to ensure that women take up their rightful leadership roles and spearhead the transformation of agriculture and food systems everywhere. Other honorable key speakers will include Shri Narendra Singh Tomar, Minister of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare; India’s G20 Sherpa Shri Amitabh Kant; and CGIAR interim Executive Managing Director Professor Andrew Campbell.

Briefing media about the conference today, Director General of Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) Dr Himanshu Pathak said that the conference, and its theme, are significant in wake of the recent G20 Summit that unequivocally endorsed women-led development.

“This includes recognizing and promoting leadership and decision-making roles for women in relation to climate change, food security and nutrition”, Dr. Pathak added.

The conference is designed to share cutting-edge knowledge and bridge the gap between research and practice to foster gender-equal and socially inclusive, resilient food systems, added Dr Nicoline de Haan, Director of the CGIAR GENDER Impact Platform.

“Globally, gender inequality in agri-food systems remains a very significant challenge – and current inequalities are being made worse by crises such as COVID-19 and climate change. Overall, women are often less food secure than men, and they are hit harder by external shocks, such as floods and droughts. We are combining research, evidence and practical understanding to guide policy-makers and investors towards best-bet solutions that can help us get on track to achieve global goals on gender equality and women’s empowerment,” Dr de Haan added.

In this conference, the CGIAR GENDER Impact Platform and the Indian Council of Agricultural Research are convening a one-of-a-kind global network of gender researchers and bringing them together with other researchers, practitioners and policymakers to take stock of agricultural gender research to date and propose innovations that can help make agri-food systems more equitable, just and resilient.

More than 140 oral presentations, 85 posters, 25 high-level plenary and keynote speakers as well as 60 parallel sessions will be featured in this event. International exhibitors and Indian women entrepreneurs will showcase their work and innovations. Conference delegates will represent a wide range of research institutes, national agricultural research and extension systems, non-government organizations, civil society organizations, funding partners, policy-making bodies and the private sector.

ICAR, accompanied by CGIAR and other research partners, continues to guide and shape the future of India’s 126 million smallholder farmers. As a CGIAR Impact Platform, GENDER aims to broker knowledge to co-create agricultural solutions that work for women and contribute to equitable, resilient and prosperous societies. Partnering with ICAR, one of the world’s biggest national agricultural research and extension systems, offers CGIAR and its research partners a unique and welcome opportunity to collaborate, connect with on-the-ground demand and achieve large-scale impact.

ICAR, with its 113 ICAR institutes and 76 agricultural universities spread across India, will play an essential role in identifying evidence-based priorities and innovations that can translate the G20 commitments on women’s leadership on climate action, food security and nutrition into positive outcomes for women and men farmers, as well as for entire communities. CGIAR can contribute to this process by providing world-class expertise, evidence and proven solutions.


The CGIAR GENDER Impact Platform puts equality and inclusion at the forefront of global agricultural research for development, both within and beyond CGIAR.


The CGIAR GENDER Impact Platform puts equality and inclusion at the forefront of global agricultural research for development, both within and beyond CGIAR.


The CGIAR GENDER Impact Platform puts equality and inclusion at the forefront of global agricultural research for development, both within and beyond CGIAR.